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Streamline Your .NET Development with  Workflow Engine
Process Automation Library 

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Optimajet Workflow Engine is an embeddable .NET library for running workflows in .NET applications with an integrated HTML 5 graphical workflow designer. The designer allows you to easily create interactive workflows of any complexity without needing to draft them programmatically.

Build your process automation faster

Embeddable .Net Workflow Engine

Workflow Engine is a backbone solution for business process management (BPM) which makes feasible to automate the workflow design by using low-code visual builders. It is based on .NET Framework/.NET Core and JavaScript libraries. Workflow Engine enables workflow processing and correct integration by providing a graphic designer to create process workflow schemes and at the same time, this software component facilitates the management, execution and visualization of workflow processes.

Making Workflows Simple with Jeffrey Fritz

Principal Program Manager .NET Community Team

Jeff Fritz is a principal program manager in Microsoft’s Developer Division working on the .NET Community Team. Four days a week, you can catch Jeff hosting a live video stream called 'Fritz and Friends' at

How to


Integrating Workflow Engine into any application takes about an hour and consists of 5 simple steps. 

  1. Setting up your database.
  2. Initializing WorkflowRuntime.
  3. Connecting Modeller.
  4. Creating a document workflow scheme.
  5. Creating a process and calling commands.


Integration with solutions based on other technologies (ASP.NET WebForms, .NET WinForms) or databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MongoDB and others) is roughly the same and should not entail any difficulties.

Workflow Engine Component

# Engine Component Description
1 Workflow Designer It’s a javascript object on a web page where you want the designer to be displayed, and a function that will process requests from the designer and pass them to WorkflowRuntime.
2 Runtime
This object allows to create a process, retrieve a list of commands, execute commands, set a process state, etc. It also provides an API for the designer. So, you have to create one WorkflowRuntime object in your application or service and call its methods to enable document management functionality.
3 DB Provider You have to use persistence providers to connect to the process database. Depending on your database type, you have to create an object and pass it to WorkflowRuntime.
4Workflow tablesA set of database tables. It's needed for workflow storage.
5IWorkflowRuleProviderProvides for security integration. It allows you to call the available authorization methods, or write new ones. Rules represent the functions that are called at a certain moment in time.
6IWorkflowActionProviderProvides for business logic integration. It allows you to call your own business functions for each step of the workflow.

Workflow Engine can resolve several tasks and issues related to process automation as described below:

  • Parallel and hierarchical process resolution.
  • Workload optimization.
  • Business mission-critical process accomplishment.
  • Process planning, implementation and follow up.
  • In addition, Workflow Engine main functionalities can be implemented by creating C# objects which facilitates software integration. These objects are:

WorkflowRuntime - It provides an API for the Workflow Designer and enables process creation, document management, command execution, setting a process state and so on.

workflow engine


Workflow Engine

engine core component

Workflow Engine offers its users all the components necessary to implement workflows of any complexity; and helps them to maintain consistent business processes. Workflow Engine is designed to improve organizational efficiency and productivity, allowing companies to concentrate on job performance rather than workflow management.

Workflow engine activities


Define document statuses, sets of methods to be executed and other workflow activities.

Workflow Engine Timers


Set an interval or date/time to trigger a transition from one activity to another.

Workflow Engines Actions


Connect activities with transitions that are triggered by commands or timers.

workflow engine actors


Add multiple actors with different roles, including users and external systems.

workflow engine commands


Specify commands that should be executed to trigger a specific transition.

workflow engines transitions


Connect activities with transitions that are triggered by commands or timers.

Mapping BPMN 2.0 constructs

Let’s have a quick look at a document approval in BPMN 2.0:

Workflow engine state machine

BPMN 2.0 Workflow Engine Comments

Converted to Activity with the Initial flag

Converted to a regular Activity

Converted to Activity with a Final flag

Converted to a Transition with an AA type (automatic transition)

Converted to a Transition with a CA type (transition triggered by a command)

Converted to a Transition with a TA type (transition triggered by a timer)


Workflow designer component

Designer allows you to easily create interactive workflows of any complexity, there’s no need to draft them programmatically. We reated this native element to let you design, model, edit and visualize your custom workflows.

Fully customizable

Workflow designer features

Drag and drop and configure the step properties

React, Angular, plain Javascript ready

Fully graphical web-based process designer

Many out-of-the-box steps (and growing)

WYSIWYE – What you see is, what you execute

Build and use your own custom steps

Build and use your own data types

Build and use your own business objects

Embed the designer in any application

Localization (RTL)

Stores workflow definitions as XML

Write your custom code C# in the Designer

Scheme inlining



Multitenancy is a type of architecture that enables several clients or multiple customer applications to share the same computational resources. These clients are known as tenants, and they have some measure of customization for the shared resource.

This form of sharing applies to software resources as well as hosting on servers to achieve efficiency and reducing cost. It allows multiple instances of the given application to operate in a shared environment.

There is only one set of infrastructure to deploy and maintain, and all tenants use it. Workflow Engine supports multitenancy in two different ways, as illustrated in the diagram below:

Multitenancy Support in Workflow Engine

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free Community Edition

Workflow Engine

Introduction to Integration

Workflow Server

Introduction to Integration